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Olive JUJU is a mixture of olive oil, coconut oil and curry leaves. This mix helps in hair loss, and also stunted growth. If length is what you want then this hair oil may help you get that length. The presence of olive oil enhances the hair by providing thickness and gives your hair a more lively, wet and heavy look. If you have damaged your hair due to dyeing, and using too many heating elements, then Olive JUJU can help you repair your damaged hair. Simply pamper yourself with it and look at the wonders olive oil has to offer! Read more on the ingredients and what they are for down here!


Olives are highly nutritious. The nutritional content in olives  are so high that applying them to your diet helps as well.  Applying olive oil to your hair adds moisture giving your hair a heavy and wet look.  Olive oil also promotes hair growth as it increases blood circulation as massaged onto scalp.  As massaged onto scalp, the oil penetrates the follicles and allows new hair growth giving enough nutrients for your hair to develop strong and healthy. Olives also eliminate the dry and dull look on your hair. Ever felt all the dyeing, heating elements used and styling damaged your hair? Fear not! Olives have the tendency to repair your damaged hair making them look alive again!


Coconut oil  promotes hair growth, giving a voluminous  thick black shine to your hair. Coconut oil is also a great moisturizer and prevents bacterial growth as it is also antibacterial. Bacterial growth on your scalp may lead to several complication if left unattended. So controlling dandruff on your scalp is a very important step. Coconut oil has properties that help in preventing dandruff. Note that there are many factors causing dandruff such as living in a polluted area or having sweaty scalps. Therefore, treat your scalp with coconut oil and prevent future scalp issues that may arise from an unhealthy scalp.


Curry leaves consist of a combination of essential nutrients required for the growth of hair. They are very rich in antioxidants and amino acids which are capable of reducing hair fall and stimulate hair growth. They also help in preventing the hair strands from thinning by strengthening hair follicles on your scalp. Curry leaves are also a rich source of beta-carotene and proteins. Beta carotene limits hair loss while proteins present in curry leaves prevents hair thinning. Curry leaves can be used as a great stimulant for hair growth either through topical application or through your diet. Curry leaves prevents premature graying, stimulates hair growth, repairs damaged roots, reduces hair fall and helps in the rejuvenation of hair follicles. All our pre wash hair oils contain curry leaves as this is one of nature's gift for gaining beauty for your hair!

Olive Juju 100mL

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