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Hereditary condition

The most common cause of hair loss is a hereditary condition called male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness. It usually occurs gradually and in predictable patterns. This common pattern is known for a receding hairline and occurrence of bald spots in men. So if it’s passed down in your genes that you are more likely to have this condition.


Male sex hormones

Some men have scalps that are highly sensitive to the male sex hormones that circulate in their blood. The hormones make the hair follicles and determine the growth or shrinkage of the hair. Sooner or later, they become so small that they cannot replace lost hairs. The follicles are still alive, but have lost their ability to perform their duty. So in this case, you might want to think twice on taking testosterone for muscle gain or upping your sex drive. Testosterone converts into dihyrotestosterone (DHT) and DHT mainly causes hair follicles to lose is ability to repair and rejuvenate hair. 


This condition is normally seen in men aged 20 to 30 and follows a distinctive pattern. First, a receding hairline develops, and bit by bit the hair on top of the head also begins to thin. Eventually, the two hairless areas on the head meet to form a regular U-shape around the back and sides of the head. The hair that remains on the other hand is often finer and unfortunately does not grow as quickly as it used to.



Are you having adequate amount of rest? Baldness can be also due to stress. Severe stress typically sends the body into a state of shock, flooding it with various hormones and metabolites. This may lead to telogen effluvium, a condition where shedding of the hair occurs. Try getting enough rest, lead a healthy lifestyle by exercising, seek help from family, friends or  professionals when there is an inability to cope with yourself.



What we eat has a very big impact on our hair. Ever wondered why is your hair not growing? Well, we would suggest consuming foods with high source of protein. Hair is made up of a very tough protein called keratin. To feed these cells we need to ensure they receive adequate amount of protein. Foods that are high in protein include nuts, soy, fish, meat, eggs, yogurt, oats and lentils. So good dieting won’t just earn you that coveted beach body. It can very well salvage your scalp. However, depriving it of nutrients, well, as you can guess, can have the complete opposite effect. Deficiencies in other nutrients such as vitamin B (specifically B12) and protein  are thought to contribute to hair loss as well. Hair requires minerals, protein, and vitamins to remain healthy.

Hair Facts just for you!

Men also face hair problems and for some men this can be a real issue affecting their self esteem and confidence. Read more to learn what causes hair fall for men.

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