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Hair Facts just for you!

Read along and know what can help you have healthy hair

The hair is one of the most prominent physical attributes to a woman. While some like it short and some like it long, having healthy hair is what we all want. Despite hair products like shampoos, conditioners, oils, serums and masks, our hair depends on other factors too.

What we eat

What we eat has a very big impact on our hair. Ever wondered why your hair does not grow? Well, I would suggest consuming foods with high source of protein. Hair is made up of a very tough protein called keratin. To feed these cells we need to ensure they receive adequate amount of protein. Foods that are high in protein include nuts, soy, fish, meat, eggs, yogurt, oats and lentils.

Environmental factors

The environment we live in is one of the biggest factor of hair growth stunt. Are you living in an area where there’s a lot of pollution? Chemicals from pollution causes either sweaty or dry scalps and lead to an unhealthy scalp. Pollutants, including airborne particles, large suspended molecules, smoke and gaseous pollution eventually comes in direct contact with the scalp and hair, thus causing irritation, damage and other associated dermatological conditions. This includes dandruff. Dandruff are certainly not life threatening but if left untreated, dandruff can cause secondary bacterial or fungal infections. Being the protective layer of our body, hair and skin act as the first barrier to pollution.

So if you live in an urbanized area follow these tips:

  • Do not oil your hair and go out as pollutants manage to stick to your hair with more ease

  • Try to wash your hair often

  • Advisable to use lukewarm or cold water to wash your hair. Hot water is a complete NO.

  • Deep conditioning may be very helpful. Use essential oils and natural hair oils to moisturize

  • If possible avoid extensive hair makeovers such as bleaching or dyeing.

And lastly my norm, leave your hair to dry naturally. No heat, no hair dryer.

Puberty, Pregnancy and Menopause

Isn’t it spectacular that a woman may encounter hair related problems in all main 3 stages of her life? First during her puberty, then when she’s a mother and lastly when she’s done!

  • Pimples, breast growth, horrible mood swings and crazy hair almost everywhere! Teenage girls tend to experience a lot of hormonal fluctuations during puberty. This is one of the common causes of hair loss in teenage females. When a girl hits puberty, conditions like trichotillomania and also eating disorders can come forth. These conditions acquire special attention to prevent them from becoming chronic and are a big contributor to hair loss. If identified correctly, with proper medical care these issues can be sorted out. Hair loss in teenagers may affect their self esteem and confidence. But with proper care and sufficient nutrients given to the body and hair, this can be overcome easily.

  • Pregnancy is a little different. During pregnancy, a woman’s level of oestrogen and, progesterone increases. Frequently the quick result of this is lusciously thick hair. However, some people go through bad hair loss after child birth all due to hormonal changes. Pregnancy may also cause a change in hair texture and type. For example dry hair may appear to be very soft or bouncy curls become straight OR vice verse.

  • Lastly, menopause. The main causal agent for hair changes is the marked drop in oestrogen levels in the body during menopause. Meaning, your hair won’t grow as long or as thick it used to before. You might feel your hair takes ages to grow after a cut too. In contrast with the drop in oestrogen levels, androgen levels rise up. This eventually triggers thinning of the hair on the scalp but an increase in facial and body hair.


Some people experience hair thinning and hair loss due to physical or emotional stress. This often comes with a myth that hair loss from stress is permanent. It is not permanent. Hair eventually starts growing back at its normal pace. It will take time though. Usually, it takes 3 months for someone to notice their hair fall due to stress. It may take 3 months or more later to get back to the regular hair type and texture. If your hair comes off easily and in great number of strands then see a doctor. There may be underlying medical conditions.

But note, all of us lose at least 100 strands of hair a day! Your scalp holds about 100 000 strands of hair on average. We lose 50 to 100 strands every day. This is utterly normal, do not panic. It is a natural shedding process to allow new hair strands to grow.

The tools you use!

From your brush, to your hair dryer, to curling and straightening tools. All of these applies a certain pressure to your hair. Now what we want to do is minimize the pressure. Use proper brushes or combs. It might seem petty and a little too exaggerating but brushing your hair is one of the main problems if you aren’t doing it right. For example, if you have curly hair, I would suggest to never comb or untangle it when its dry. The last thing you want is to force your brush through those curls and cause damage and then end up looking like you have been electrocuted. This could lead to large amounts of hair to come off and also split ends to occur. If your hair is curly use your fingers or a wide-tooth comb instead. For straight hair a paddle brush should do the untangling with ease.

Now we see lots of products where you get “The fabulous hair straightening brush”. Using it will make your hair look much more organized and not a single strand is out of place, almost a perfect hair do. But remember, these brushes should not be used as a daily prop. The reason why, applying heat to your hair on a daily basis causes tons of damage to your hair including hair loss, split ends and a dry/dull looking hair. Using a blow dryer should also be rationalized. After washing your hair, towel dry it and leave nature to help dry your hair. If in cases where you have to use a blow dryer then use less or preferably no heat to dry your hair.

To sum it up, yes there are times you want to go to the saloon get your hair done and look all pretty. Just remember, anything in moderation and not over doing is totally fine.

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